Harmania Characters

Relationship Chart

Main Characters

Please Note: Some of these drawings are old, meaning that as time goes on their designs have changed from what is shown. Some characters have a different design in the alternative universe.


Leilani is the princess of Harmania. Although she doesn’t like being a princess, she still tries to stay as optimistic as possible. She can be a goofball at times and loves cookies.


Liam is the prince of Harmania, although he is the alternative version of Leilani, they have some noticeable differences. Liam can be a little egotistical, but he can also be kind and funny.

Sun Cat

Sun Cat is the goddess of the sun and a ruler of Harmania. Although she can be an airhead every once in a while she is still very smart!

Moon Pup

Moon Pup is the goddess of the moon and a ruler of Harmania. She is never afraid to speak her mind although she can be a bit moody and sad.


Vøid is the god of death and a ruler of Harmania. He can be incredibly scary and is often misunderstood, he has a soft spot when it comes to Leilani, he sees her as a daughter figure.


Spectra was the goddess of color and a ruler of Harmania. In Leilani’s universe she was very kind and saw beauty in everything, but she is the opposite in Liam’s universe. She is dead in Leilani’s universe.


Lily is the best friend of Leilani and Liam. Her family grew up poor but that doesn’t stop her and her ambitious dream of going to fashion school. She has a very optimistic and kind personality, but she has no filter.


Leo grew up in an orphanage until he was adopted by his mom, Mathilda. He can be a bit shy but he also has a bit of a temper. He is the ex boyfriend of Leilani and has a hard time moving past her.


Rabble is a scientist in training, he aspires to learn as much as he can about all types of sciences. He is normally relaxed, but something traumatic happens to him after he meets Leilani. He develops an alcohol addiction later in life.


This Lynx loves plants! Grey is also a scientist but focuses on plants and nature. He is very close friends with Rabble, meanwhile he has a rocky relationship with Lily.

These are only the main characters from story 1. Please click the Toyhouse button to see my other characters.